Case Study: MDM for Healthcare Sector

A Portrait of MDM health care

About the client:
The client provides virtual health management (telehealth) for patients and connects them to their clinical care team through a web-based application.

The client utilizes a low-cost tablet to run their proprietary application in conjunction with a medical device within the patients’ homes. Client does not want to rely on the patients’ in-home Wi-Fi to connect the tablet, and does not want patients to access applications other than their application and the camera for video conferencing.



Samsung Galaxy Tab E, Samsung Knox Manage MDM, military-grade cases, and First Call Wireless managed services.


Solution Highlights:
Client previously selected the Samsung Tab E and tested this model in the field. This model can be sourced continuously, and newer models can be used as a substitute if supply runs low (i.e. Samsung Tab A). Client requirements for the MDM profile were minimal and could have utilized a simple low-cost MDM; but because of HIPAA compliance, Client opted for Samsung Knox Manage.


Results Highlights:
Client had an initial deployment of 200 devices and a projected volume of 300-400 devices deployed per month, and will require reverse logistics from First Call Wireless when patients are done using the medical device.


At a Glance:

• Low Cost Device
• Security
• Wi-Fi connectivity


• 200 devices initially deployed
• 300-400 devices deployed per month
• Reverse logistics provided by First Call Wireless


FW2000e Glamour
FW2000e Back
FW2000_bottom angle
FW2000 on bracket_front angle (1)
FW2000 on bracket_rear angle
FW2000 on bracket_back
FW2000e Glamour
FW2000e Back
FW2000_bottom angle
FW2000 on bracket_front angle (1)
FW2000 on bracket_rear angle
FW2000 on bracket_back

Inseego FW2000e

MSRP: $1,439.00


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